How will I receive the e-book after paying?

When you purchase an e-book, a audio file or a bundle, you’ll receive a download link in your email. After you click the link, you’ll have 24 hours to download your product before the link expires.

How valid Is the information provided in the e-book and audio files?

All the resources are crafted by Dr Chris Bonney who has over 20 years of experience in the field of Anesthesia.

What if I do not get the desired results?

If you are not 100% satisfied, we will give you all your money back within 30 days of purchase - No questions asked.


Does this information apply worldwide?

I created these resources for an international audience. Anesthesia is very similar in all countries of the world. We have taken every precaution to make the information as applicable as possible to the broadest range of patients. In some countries the Anesthesiologist might be referred to as “An Anaesthetist”, but we all have extensive training to be allowed to work in this fascinating field.